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Let's Just Say We Can't Stop Buying Food Yet...

What a tease!! I plucked the first strawberry of the season from one of the plants on my balcony, and it was absolutely delicious - all 1/4 bite of it! Yup, it was pretty small. Below is a photo I took before I gobbled it down. I take some consolation in the fact that I got to it before the birds did...

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Unknown said...

We just had our first home-grown strawberry too (and, separately, some chard) though ours was a little bigger than yours! I had a nibble and our toddler had most of it...



Jeanne Elle said...

Aw, lucky toddler!! Aren't they yummy? Worth the trouble of growing, I think :)

Unknown said...

Won't keep the wolf from the door but a pleasant treat and educational and a slightly reduced sense of helplessness if there are glitches in the food supply (no, I'm noto a doomer)! Ellie also knows how to pick the odd leaf of rocket to nibble on too, and thyme...

