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Plastic Egg Carton

In my bid to pay tribute to all things green, here's another "smart packaging" pic. DH bought eggs from Superstore yesterday, and I noticed that they didn't come in styrofoam :)

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Anonymous said...

Plastic egg cartons cannot be green. Green is natural not fake. Similar to a fine wine. Rather I find a lot of interesting info at the Green Forum, I like to hike the green mountains and look at green roofs. Green energy is nice for the environment as well.

Anonymous said...

I think plastic is better than styrofoam, but I like cardboard cartons myself. My grocery service will take them back for re-use, or you can even compost them. Plastic recycling is not very efficient, I think.

I'm glad to see that you're buying Free Range. I recently did some reading, and I think it really does make a difference.

Jeanne Elle said...

I agree, I think paper is the best. What I don't get us if there are alternatives like paper and plastic available, why even use styrofoam? It can't be that cheaper, can it?

Jeanne Elle said...

Meant to say "what I don't get IS (not us). Sheesh, proof read, Jeanne ;)

Anonymous said...

Sometimes plastic is more green. You can reuse it, recycle it and it not so hard on tree demand. It takes a lot of energy to grow those trees.